نهلة صالح الكعكي


أستاذ مشارك / ورئيس قسم النساء والتوليد

Name:  Nahla Saleh Abudrahman Al.Kaaky

Place of work: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences-Dept of Obstetric & Gynecology

Marital status: Married


Address: Al.Enma City, Alborika District, Building No. 146A flat No.4

Telephone:      771047497       735451183

Fax: (00967) 2 366032

E- mail:nahla_kaaky@yahoo.com   ,   nahlakaaky8999@gmail.com



PhD, Public Health , Family Health (Maternal Child Health)

High Institute of Public Health,Alexandria University, Cairo


Diploma Public Health ( MCH)

High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University, Cairo


Master  Degree, Gynecology & -Obstetrics

 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Yemen


Medical Degree, M.B.CH.B

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Yemen

Work experience:

Feb 2015               

Member of committee contribute to adapt the KMC Training Manuals to reflects Yemen Context, MCHIB, USAID

May 2014            

Head, Obstetrics & Gynecology Dept, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Yemen

May 2014-Jan 2015    

Head, the Quality Control and Accreditation  Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Yemen

April 2014             

Member of Review committee of the medical and surgery  program, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden   University            

Feb 2014-              

Academic coordinator of Obstetrics & Gynaecological


Feb 2013-                  

Member, the Quality Control and Accreditation  Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Yemen      


Giving lectures of Reproductive Health and Sexual Health for the Diploma of  Public Health , Ministry of Health.


Head, Research & Development Dept, Scientific Technology Center, Aden University , Yemen


Giving Lectures of Reproductive health for postgraduate in Women and  Gender, Woman center, Aden University, Yemen

2010- 2015

Director, Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care for Mother & Newborn, Al.wahda Teaching Hospital, Aden Yemen


Trainer of Arabic  Board students in Al. Wahda teaching hospital.


Responsible for lecturing in reproductive health and family planning for    medical students


Director, Khormaksar Polyclinic for Maternal & Child Health, Ministry of Health


Head, Research& training Dept, Woman Research & Training Center, Aden University.


Specialist Medical Doctor in Al-Sadaka teaching hospital in gynecology and obstetrics.


Resident doctor in Al-Sadaka teaching hospital in gynecology and obstetrics.


Resident doctor in Al.Kamel hospital in Al. Seheer, Hadramoot in   gynecology and obstetrics department


Rotation in Pediatric, Obstetrics, Surgery and Medicine.

Scientific participation:


2009 (Jan)

Attending the First Bibliotheca Alexandria Regional Workshop on the Epidemiology of Diabetes and other non-communicable Diseases at Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt

2006 ( Nov)

Attendance in the international conference on health , Environment   and Development  (Cairo)

2005 (Feb)             

Attending in the sub-regional conference on female genital mutilation, Palais du Peuple Djibouti :towards a political and religious consensus    against female genital mutilation                  

2001 (Oct.)

Regional Arabic meeting for the NGO’S dealing with woman’s issues ,Workshop “After beigin 5, Egypt. Hold by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

2000 (Dec)                

Attending in charity meeting in Ramadan by paper about   “ The effect of reproductive behavior on the health of the Yemeni woman “, Abu Dhabi, hold by MSF



Attending the workshop entitled : Follow up the performance  of HEIs  to support the academic  assessment

2014 (Feb)

Facilitator on HBB & KMC Training which conducted for health providers in   Al-wahda Teaching Hospital

2013 (Dec

TOT course on Helping Baby Breathe ( HBB)  & Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC), Aden hold by USAID/MCHIP


Trainer of health services providers on KMC & HBB conducting in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and population of Yemen and USAID/MCHIP

2013 (Dec)

Attending  workshop "Preparation of External Evaluator for Academic Programs hold by Academic Accreditation and Quality of High Education, Sana'a.


Attending the workshop of Academic Accreditation for  Medical collages in Yemen, hold by WHO, Hadramoot.


Attending and participating in the First communication Skills workshop, DeLPHE,  Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden Yemen

2010 (Aug)                   

Workshop of health services providers for the best practice for the mother  and newborn health /  Aden hold by USAID

2008( April)                   

Trainer of the health care providers in Aden Governorate (Al- Boriqa and  Dar- Saad Districts ) in Reproductive health and family planning counselling and empowerment of women , hold by  higher council of women , Women National Committee-Aden, fund by  UNDP

2008 (April)                       

Participating in the Symposium on Fatal Anomalies and genetics Disorders :Their Impact and Ethical Issues on the family and society by scientific paper on  consanguinity and reproductive health

2007( Dec)               

Participating in the Annual meeting of the United Nation

2003 (Sep)      

Participate in the information sharing workshop with the Social   Fund Development stakeholders, Sana'a                       


Coordinator of the project of training health worker of Maareb and  Gehana ,Sana'a  in Al - Maala health institute Aden hold by Social  Fund Development .

2003 ( Mar.)                   

 Attended and participated in the first international Yemeni conference on   Nephro-Urology, Aden , Republic of Yemen 29-31 march,2003

2002 (Dec.)

Attending in the first National Conference of Female Genital Mutilation in  Yemen by a research of the knowledge, attitude and practice of Female mutilation among the pregnant women attending Kormaksar  Reproductive centre, Aden.


The Third Population Policy Conference, Sana’a.                                                                                      


 Prepare a paper (successes and constraints on reproductive health) in  the workshop address the National population policy successes and   constraints, in the university of Aden.

2002 (MAY)                   

Paper presenting of the knowledge ,attitude and practice of female genital mutilation among the pregnant women attending  Kormaksar  Reproductive Centre ,Aden ,  in the second scientific   meeting of gynecology and obstetrics in the facility of medicine and  health science

2001 (May)              

Coordinator of workshop on prevention of sexual transmitted diseases hold by WRTC.                                                   



Ccoordinator of workshop “Increase the awareness of the woman on  reproductive health and population issues) in six governments in Yemen hold by the European Union and the National Population Council.

2001 (April)        

Attending in country population assessment meeting, Sana’a.

2000 (Mar.)  

Workshop in the training “Organizational and Leadership Skill “ Aden

2000 (Mar.)     

Precipitate in the workshop “National Population Strategies for 1999-  2006” hold by MPC.

2000 (Mar.)   

Attending in the International symposium ”Behavioural sciences and Millennium challenges in developing countries”, Aden-Yemen.


Attending in the workshop “Six billions, the world population and the situation of Yemeni women “ hold by W.R.T.C. support by UNFPA.

1999 (Jul.)        

Attending in the researcher group of the study of female mutilation in Yemen as a head of the group in Aden government.

1999 (Jul.)  

Attending in the training course of counselling and improvement of the  health services of the midwives and the nurse providers this services    in the MCH centres.

1999 (Feb.)      

Attending in the workshop to formulate the operational plane for  ECTA project in support of NPC-TS Sana’a for two weeks.

1998 (Dec)                

Attending in the National  Symposium of Yemen Demography Survey of mother-child Health 1997, hold by the central statistical Organization, Aden.

1998 (Nov)        

Attending in the workshop of reproductive health in the faculty  of  Medicine and Health sciences by a paper address “Identification of high risk pregnancies “ as a step toward the motherhood safety.

1997 (Dec)         

Reproductive health workshop by a paper research “the outcome of Toxoplasmosis infections on the pregnant woman in Al Sadaka Teaching Hospital, Aden.


Attending in the founding congress of the Yemen section of the    international college of surgeons and scientific meeting, Faculty of   Medicine, Aden University. 


Training courses:

- Training course on "Health system research" faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences jointly with WHO, Aden, 6-18 January 1996

- Training Course on Research Methodology and scientific Publication organized by Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University in collaboration with WHO.

Special activities:

National Trainer in the KMC & HBB , Yemen

Member of the Yemeni Association for women in science and technology for Development

Computer experience:

Good in domination of the following programs and  applications:

Windows , Microsoft word, Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS.