هائل سعيد عبد الله

أستاذ في قسم الباطنى

السيرة الذاتية

الاسم: هائل سعيد عبد الله حاجب

محل الميلاد: تعز

الحالة الاجتماعية: متزوج

العنوان:عدن – مدينة الشعب

رقم التلفون: 771342344

الفاكس: لا يوجد

البريد الالكتروني: haelhageb@yahoo.com


الشهادات العلمية:

-          MD University of medicine of Bucharest - Romania1983


-          Specialist of gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy Roma university (La Sapienza) – Italy-  1993


-          Thesis inflammatory bowel disease gastroenterology  Roma university 1993 


خبرات العمل :

- General practitioner in internal medicine 1983 – 1987

- Head of department of gastroenterology and endoscopy 1993-1996

- Assistant professor in internal medicine since 1997

Associate professor in internal medicine 2008 -

- Head of department of internal medicine in faculty of medicine and in Al Gamhoria Hospital - 

- Professor internal medicine 2014

المشاركات والأنشطة العلمية:

النشر العلمي:

1. Colonoscopic findings in patients with hematochezia    MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE • VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10 . First editor

2. Clinical and endoscopic study of gastroduodenal lesions induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Aden.   UNIVERSITY OF ADEN JUORNAL  OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES.  Volume 16 -Number 1 (April 2012). First editor .

3. Analysis of 16 cases of Plummer Vinson Syndrome in Aden September 2004 – 2008. YEMENI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH RESAERSH . Volume 2 March – December 2010 . first editor. 

4. Malaria as a Cause of Acute Renal Failure and/or Hepatic Dysfunction in Aden Haemodialysis HD Center, Al-Gamhouria Teaching Hospital, Yemen.  MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE VOLUME 11 ISSUE 4 JUNE 2013. Third editor  

5. Hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly: therapeutic overview in Lahj Governorate, Yemen  . MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE • VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10. Second editor .

6. H.S Abdullah.( 2006 ). Endoscopic findings of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in southern Yemen governorate : UNIVERSITY OF ADEN JUORNAL  OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES ; vol.10 (3):559-565

7.  H.S Abdullah and Aklan MA (2006). Diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease of upper gastrointestinal flexible endoscopies during the period 1996-1998 in Aden . UNIVERSITY OF ADEN JUORNAL  OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE; Vol.10(3)575-580

8. Aklan M.A , H.S Abdullah, Taresh A.S.(2007). Gastric and esophageal cancer in Aden: UNIVERSITY OF ADEN JUORNAL  OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE;Vol.11  

 9. Taresh A.S. Abdullah H.S (2006 ). Pattern of breast feeding in Lahj Governorate . Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences; 10(3):535-543

10. Aklan M.A Taresh A.S , H.S Abdullah , Areeg A.T: an epidemiological view of malaria prevalence in Aden 


الدورات التدريبية:

أنشطة خاصة:

مهارات استخدام الحاسوب(الكمبيوتر): جيد