جميل عبد الرحيم علي

أستاذ مساعد قسم طب المجتمع والصحة العامة

السيرة الذاتية

الاسم :      جميل عبدالرحيم علي صالح                                                                                  

محل الميلاد : عدن – اليمن

الحالة الاجتماعية :    عازب

الجنسية :               يمني

العنوان :              الشيخ عثمان – عدن – اليمن     

رقم التلفون :                      02385515

الفاكس :                          967 2 257339  أو 967 2 236620

البريد الالكتروني :              Jameel5200@yahoo.com     

الشهادات العلمية :


 دكتوراة طب المجتمع – كلية الطب - جامعة الخرطوم – السودان


ماجستير طب المجتمع و الصحة العامة - كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية - جامعة عدن


بكالوريوس طب عام وجراحة ، جامعة عدن

خبرات العمل :

*1986-1987     Medical Department, Al Gamhoria Teaching Hospital, Aden.

*1987-1988     Pediatric Department, Al Wahda Teaching Hospital, Aden.

*1988-1989     Psychiatry Hospital and Different Polyclinics, Aden.

*1990-to date Lecturer, Department of Social Medicine and Public Health. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Aden.


الاشتراكات او الانشطة العلمية :


1.    The founding congress of the Yemeni section of the international college of surgeons and scientific meeting. Faculty of medicine. Aden.1996.

2.    The first Yemeni symposium on electrocardiography. Aden. 1998.

3.    Seminar for the dissemination of results of research on reproductive health. Sanaa. 1999.

4.    Behavioral sciences and millennium challenges in developing countries. Aden. 2000.

5.    Work shop on key issues in medical education. Aden. 2001.

6.    Work shop on strengthening the primary health care in the medical curriculum. Aden. 2002.

7.    The first international conference on nephro- urology. Aden. 2003.

8.    Training course on medical education .Sanaa. 2004.

9.    The 3rd Gynecology and Obstetric conference . Aden. 2004

10. The International Yemeni Cuban medical conference. 25-28.Dec.2005. Aden (Yemen).

11. The 13th congress of the union of Arab Pediatric Societies. 6-8 March, Aden (Yemen ) 2006.

12. The Second Yemeni Saudi Conference of Immunology and Allergology. 14-16 Nov. Taiz (Yemen) 2006.

13. The International conference on Human Resources For Health.Sep.2007. Kampla ( Uganda).

14. Workshop on research ethics . Amman, (Jordan) March2012.

15. Workshop on Research Ethical Committee. Amman,(Jordan) March2012.

16. The First workshop on Program and Course Specification for Medical Laboratory Sciences. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Aden July2012.

17. The fourth conference of Hadramout University. Collage of Medicine. Health Education in Yemen. Prospects and Challenges Dec.2012.

18. The second workshop on program and course specification for Medical Laboratory Sciences. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Aden, Jan.2013.

19. International Bioethics Conference . Sanaa(Yemen).  Jan.2014



النشر العلمي :

1.  Knowledge, attitude and practice toward contraception among males. Aden. 2004.

2.  The mother's knowledge and attitude regarding poliomyelitis vaccination. Aden (Yemen) 2005.

3.  Consumers satisfaction with national center of public health laboratories services, Aden.2012.

4.  Awareness and knowledge of diabetes ocular diseases among diabetic patients .Aden Diabetes Center.2013

Epidemiological study of chronic renal failure among admitted patients to the military hospital. Taiz(Yemen) . 2014  

الدورات التدريبية :

 دورة تدريبية في التعليم الطبي , صنعاء , 2004

انشطة خاصة :


مهارات استخدام الحاسوب (الكمبيوتر) :
